O Centro de Investigação em Sistemas Computacionais Embebidos e de Tempo-Real (CISTER) dinamiza a 28th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 15), entre 24-27 de março. Esta série de eventos debate o estado da arte da arquitetura computacional e sistemas operacionais e dedica a presente edição ao tema “Reconciling Parallelism and Predictability in Mixed-Critical Systems”.
ARCS 2015 – 28th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
ISEP | 24-27 MAR 2015
The ARCS series of conferences has over 30 years of tradition reporting high quality results in computer architecture and operating systems research. The focus of the 2015 conference will be on Reconciling Parallelism and Predictability in Mixed-Critical Systems. Like the previous conferences in this series, it continues to be an important forum for computer architecture research, including also workshops and tutorials within its technical scope.
The proceedings of ARCS 2015 will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) series. After the conference, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contribution for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Systems Architecture. Also, a best paper and best presentation award will be provided at the conference.
O CISTER concentra a sua atividade em torno da análise, conceção e implementação de sistemas computacionais embebidos e de tempo real. Este grupo de investigação do ISEP tem-se destacado pela participação em vários consórcios indústria-academia nacionais e internacionais e redes de excelência, como ArtistDesign, CONET, HiPEAC ou a Carnegie Mellon University-Portugal.
+INFO: ARCS 2015