ISEP | 9-11 FEV 2015
O Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto acolhe a 12ª Conferência Europeia sobre Redes de Sensores Sem-fios, entre 9-11 de fevereiro. Este evento organizado pelo Centro de Investigação em Sistemas Computacionais Embebidos e de Tempo-Real reúne peritos nacionais e estrangeiros no Porto, para debater tecnologias emergentes. “The Rise of the Smart Household” e “Predictable wireless multi-hop comunication?” são duas apresentações em destaque no evento que inclui um workshop sobre cidades inteligentes “Porto Smartcity Workshop: Outlook, Experiences and Opportunities” e um painel dedicado às empresas.
«The European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference focused on publishing premier research results pertaining to networked sensing, broadly defined.
The organizers of EWSN 2015, the twelfth meeting in this series, are pleased to announce an updated scope that combines the traditional focus of this conference with emphasis on recent and emerging directions in networked sensing. These new and emerging directions include (i) study of networked sensing in the broader context of larger cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things architectures, (ii) investigation of mobile and human-centric sensing, (iii) exploration of large-scale data and information processing challenges.
This highly-selective conference will only accept for review original papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review by any other conference or journal. We will adopt a double-blind review process, where the names of authors and their affiliations are unknown to reviewers until the end of the review process, and are not mentioned in the paper».
UBICITEC (Gold Sponsor)
InovaMais e ISA Energy (Bronze Sponsors)
Garage Wines, Santander Totta, TimeOut Porto, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, O! Porto!, Oportunity e Andante (Patrocinadores institucionais)
+INFO: EWSN 2015