



For extraordinary contributions in Nonlinear Dynamics

CHAIR: Luis Vazquez

AWARDEE: Professor Martin Golubitsky - Info


J.A Tenreiro Machado AwarD

For breakthrough achievements in Fractional Calculus

CHAIR: Walter Lacarbonara

AWARDEE: Professor Michele Caputo - Info


James Yorke Award

For breakthrough achievements in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

CHAIR: James Yorke

AWARDEE: Professor Miguel A.F. Sanjuán - Info


Best student paper

For outstanding young scholars in Mathematical Analysis and Applications

CHAIRS: Carla M.A. Pinto, Dumitru Baleanu

AWARDEES: Dr. Akhil Srivastav and Dr. Vanessa Steindorf.


Best poster

For best poster presentation in Mathematical Analysis and Applications

CHAIRS: Manuel Ortigueira, Juan Carlos Cortés

AWARDEES: Renato Colucci, Érika Diz-Pita and M. Victoria Otero-Espinar



instituto superior de engenharia do porto
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto, Portugal


important dates


1 DEC 2019

Abstract submission starts

Proposals for Special Sessions


27 MAY 2022


Deadline for submissions Early Bird registration


13 JUNE 2022


Upload of complete extended accepted abstracts (3 pages)


15 JUN 2022


Camera-ready submission for extended accepted abstracts


27 JUN 2022


Conference Opening