

O ISEP é palco da 5th TF-Media Task Force Meeting and Workshop, entre 27-28 de Outubro. Este encontro de peritos, apresenta-se como um fórum colaborativo e inovador para a partilha de conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias, infraestruturas e serviços de internet orientados para a investigação e ensino.

A 5th TF-Media Task Force Meeting and Workshop inclui um workshop sobre plataformas, ferramentas e serviços multimédia, sendo aberto a profissionais e estudantes interessados.

26 de Outubro (workshop)

09:00 Welcome speech, João Rocha (presidente do ISEP)
09:30 OpenCast Materhorn, Vicente Goyanes (TBC)
10:00 MediaMosa, Frans Ward (SURFnet)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 SWITCHcast, Andy Zbinden (SWITCH)
11:30 ARCA, Jose Maria Fontanillo (RedIRIS)
12:00 Global Plaza, Juan Quemada (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 TBC, Vitor Soares (ClusterMedia Labs)
14:15 File-based Workflows in Television, Pedro Ferreira (Mog Solutions)
15:00 Coffee
15:30 Panel discussion, all speakers

27 de Outubro (5th TF-Media Meetig)
09:00 Introduction, agenda, roll call, Andy Zbinden (SWITCH)
09:30 TF-Media Work Item updates and outstanding actions, work item leaders
10:00 Summary and assessment of TF-Meida work/achievements: information sharing, contributions, best common practices, collaborations, liaisons chaired by Peter Szegedi (TERENA)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 TF-Media survey results, analysis, and implications – discussion chaired by Andy Zbinden (SWITCH)
11:45 On-line learning: Student perceptions, expectations, and behaviours, Jack Barokas (Tel Aviv University, Educational Digital Media Applications)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Content Delivery Networks and high-quality steaming over the Internet, Remco Frijling (Level3)
14:00 Hot topics - flash talks and open discussion (part 1)
15:00 Coffee
15:30 Hot topics - flash talks and open discussion (part 2)

28 de Outubro (5th TF-Media Meetig)
09:00 Last minute / Ad-hoc talks, chaired by Andy Zbinden (SWITCH)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Future of TF-Media - panel discussion chair and work item leaders
12:30 Lunch
Afternoon: Tour to Portuguese TV (to be confirmed)


+INFO: António Castro | 5th TF-Media Meeting and Workshop