

Centro de Congressos do ISEP | Aud. F341
18 de Janeiro de 2011 | 16:00

O Laboratório de Sistemas Autónomos (LSA) recebe na terça-feira, 18 de Janeiro, uma visita de Luis Mejias Alvarez, docente da australiana Queensland University of Technology. Mejias Alvarez apresenta a palestra “Sense and Avoid Approaches for Unmanned Aerial Systems: Two View Points – General Aviation and Robotics”.

«Motivated by the growing interest in unmanned aerial system´s applications in indoor and outdoor settings and the standardisation of visual sensors as vehicle payload, this work presents several collision avoidance approaches based on computer vision only. From the general aviation perspective, we present the challenges and proposed contributions for fixed-wing vehicles (medium-sized manned or unmanned) when no range information is available. From the robotics perspective, we describe our approach to the problem aimed to small rotary-wing aerial robots, using wide-angle visual sensors. The view angle is maximised to guarantee a minimum separation between two vehicles involved in a collision scenario. We provide theoretical problem formulation for both context, as well as results from simulations and real-flight».

O LSA é uma unidade de I&D no campo da robótica e dos sistemas autónomos, sendo responsável pelo desenvolvimento de sistemas como o FALCOS – aeronave não tripulada de detecção de incêndios florestais.

+INFO: Eduardo Silva | LSA | Luis Mejias Alvarez