
Hands On: See everything - How we use observability

No dia 11 de outubro, pelas 14h30, realiza-se o evento HandsOn, promovido pelo Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP).

A conferência, que terá lugar na sala B408 do ISEP, será subordinada ao tema: “See everything – How we use observability”.

As inscrições devem ser efetuadas através do helpdesk do DEI, na opção “inscrição em eventos”. Os alunos externos ao DEI-ISEP, devem enviar um e-mail para



Observability is the ability to measure a system’s current state based on the data it generates. It requires data correlation to really understand the root cause of a problem or of a potential problem, and can be achieved through:

- Metrics – Provide quantitative information about running processes;

- Logging – Provide insights via messages emitted by processes in applications;

- Check-based – Provide insights via check of a component or an application;

- Tracing – Provide full lifecycle of the request, allowing to pinpoint failures or performance issues;

- By correlating all this data, development and operations teams obtain an important baseline in formation that helps massively in problem solving, prevention and optimization/innovation.



- Knowledge to work with Linux Command Line Basics;

- Knowledge to navigate Linux File Systems.


Enterprise: Celfocus.



Henrique Soares, Observability engineer at Celfocus;

Fábio Silva, Observability and Automation engineer at Celfocus.