
ISEP promove evento HandsOn

Realiza-se, no dia 26 de setembro, às 18h00, o evento HandsOn, promovido pelo Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP).

O tema da conferência, que decorre no ISEP, na sala H207, é “The Future of Money” e terá como orador principal José Silva, Engineering Manager, Anchorage Digital.



Digital Assets represent the bleeding edge of technology, economics and legal theory. They are disrupting the way value is moved across the world and one company is at the forefront of it - Anchorage Digital. Come join us to learn how we were able to build a secure asset custody, security and finance solution. You will learn how we build our secure solution for assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum and NFTs.





José Silva, Engineering Manager, Anchorage Digital

José Silva leads the Core Experience team as an engineering manager at Anchorage Digital. Before Core Experience, José led the Brokerage and Financing teams. With nearly a decade of experience in information and distributed systems, José brings both technical expertise and experience building engineering teams to Anchorage. Before joining Anchorage he was Engineering Director at Critical Manufacturing, a leading Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Execution System (MES) provider.

José completed his MSc in Informatics and Computer Engineering at the University of Porto (FEUP). He regularly guest lectures at Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave (IPCA) and has also spoken at Universidade Europeia (UE), Lisbon. José is also an active volunteer in the tech community. He is IEEE Portugal Past-Chair and represents IEEE and IEEE Portugal Section as an invited speaker frequently.