
An online Mathematics course for the ERASMUS students

The project “Math For Higher Level Thinkers” is being promoted by the Mathematics Department of ISEP and will be an ongoing project, starting in the 2017/2018 academic year. This is an online Mathematics course for international ERASMUS students who attend the first years of Engineering courses.

The ERASMUS students face difficulties of adaptation to the Portuguese culture, which also extends to the scientific culture. The later is increased by a weak comprehension of the English language. Therefore, ISEP considers that these courses, being designed in English, will allow a better integration of these students in the ISEP community as a whole (scientifically and culturally).

This innovative initiative is thus based on ISEP's internationalisation strategy, which remains an important institutional policy dimension, with the most recent figures pointing to a growing attractiveness and consolidation of ISEP's external image.

The course may extend to the Portuguese national students (inside and outside the ISEP institution) who need to enhance their math knowledge.

The following courses are available: Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry, Probability and Statistics, Differential and Integral Calculus I, Differential and Integral Calculus II, Computational Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics.

The Professors in charge of this courses are Carla Pinto, Susana Nicola and Jorge Mendonça, from the Mathematics Department of ISEP.

Subscriptions here.