

O ISEP convida à participação na 3ª Conferência Internacional de Cloud Computing (CloudViews 2011). Subordinado ao tema “Cloud Computing & You”, este evento é coorganizado por Pedro Assis, Miguel Leitão e Benedita Malheiro, docentes do Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica (DEE), e António Costa, do Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI). A CloudViews 2011 está agendada para 4 de Novembro.

The CloudViews project, promoted by EuroCloud Portugal, has already organized two international conferences on Cloud Computing. “To Cloud or not to Cloud” was the main theme of the first edition, held in Porto, Portugal, in 2009. “Cloud Ecosystem” was the theme of CloudViews 2010, which was also held in Porto, Portugal. In that edition, academia, business people and decision makers gathered together to present their views, which motivated a lively debate where all ICT players were challenged to think about how to achieve a true Cloud Ecosystem.

CloudViews 2011, in its third edition, moves a step forward by defying academia, business people and decision makers to think about their relationship with the clouds. “Cloud Computing & You”, the main theme of the third edition of CloudViews has as its main goal to raise awareness and analyse the impact of Cloud Computing on small and medium business (SME), as well as on individual users.

Around the theme “Cloud Computing & You”, CloudViews 2011 welcomes contributions from several fields related to cloud computing, including, but not limited to, scientific computing applications, performance evaluation and resource management, predictability and provision platforms, storage clouds architectures and implementations, cloud computing security: models and frameworks, cloud interoperability, scheduling mechanisms, elastic platforms, service level agreements, fault tolerant architectures and implementations, human factors in computing systems, cloud usability, and business models in the cloud.

Everyone who has responsibilities and cares about IT technologies, namely
IT Administrators, Software Developers and Architects, Chief Information Office (CIO)
Service providers driven by internationalization and partnership projects; and companies that want to affirm themselves through the implementation of IT politics that favor the improvement of the quality of their services and products, allied with innovation, efficient investment and resources utilization, especially
Startup Companies, IT Companies, Service Providers, R&D centers aiming to promote knowledge transfer and IT users, particularly, Users and Service Consumers, including Academic Institutions, Researchers and Academic Developers

+INFO: CloudViews 2011